Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week One EOC: My Voice

As photographers, we see the world differently than a cop would or even a doctor. We see a world vibrant in colors and full of life, and the need to capture that is something that is strong and undeniable. Personally I feel lost if I don’t have my camera on me. I am always framing and looking for shots even when I don’t have my camera out. Photography and music are escapes to me, a form of therapy, it’s a way to step out of my head for a while and create something amazing. I’ve always had a camera of some sort in my hands, whether it is a Polaroid camera, a disposable camera or my digital camera. I would love to be able to do any kind of photography that allowed me to travel around the world and let me work with anything to do with music. Whether it is photographing musicians for magazine articles, album covers or even concert photography. It would combine my two loves and that to me would be truly amazing and a dream come true.

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